Without feather ado! She’s poultry in motion, and she’s flying her inner comedi-hen here to tempt, tease and delight! Taryn Luce has brought her passion for burlesque, crazy costumes and wild storytelling to stages around the world and been honored with titles including including the 2021 Hollywood Burlesque Festival’s Best Costume, the 2019 Savannah Burlesque Festival’s “Most Comedic,” First Runner Up at the 2019 Panama Burlesque Festival, and the 2018 Oregon Burlesque Festival’s “Keep It Weird” award. An Alchemist of Tease and founding member of the Sour Grapes Burlesque troupe, featuring performers over forty, Taryn wants to live in a world where everyone has an opportunity to express their passion and unique creative genius, especially when it’s eggs-traordinarily funny! Follow Taryn at https://www.tarynluceburlesque.com/ or @tarynluce