Brad Diesel
Officially, he is Calgary’s own Big Bad Rascal… but you probably remember him as the rebel you’ve been secretly dreaming of since high school, when you first saw him in detention…the one that invited you to skip prom and go shoot tin cans under the stars…but because you already had plans to go with the sweet-but-boring date your parents liked, you declined…and to this day, you’re still kicking yourself for it.
But…who is he? This performer is shrouded in mystery… You can only catch him when he chooses to pop up… maybe you’ve seen him in nightclub parking lots, sitting on the hood of a muscle car, smoking a cigarette and acknowledging you with an upward nod, and a long smoldering look before he says his usual greeting… “S’up?”
Yet when you turn your head again, he’s gone…
All we know is…his name is Brad Diesel…and he’s got a package for you