SIBF welcomes Peter Morningwood. A used car salesman, a pope, a lion tamer, an astronaut. He has met some of these people. Peter MorningWood is one of the co-founders of Menagerie Burlesque Company, Saskatoon’s Freight Train of Glamour. A cunning linguist, an urban explorer of a thousand tiki lounges, and the master of the forbidden art, of ukulele fu.
You may have seen him in such burlesque performances as ‘The Second Worst Magician In This Room’, ‘Stiff’ ‘Nude Photography’, ‘Missed
Connections’ and ‘Who Stole My Salami?’ Known by some as the Velvet Shatner or “The” Glitter Beard; he rocks a dad bod. And overall, is an early riser.